Free Range

FREE RANGE is a yearly exhibition held at the Old Truman Brewery in London. Established in 2001, the exhibition showcases the work of thousands of photography graduates from all over the UK. Simona CiocarlanIn 2016 the FR Awards were introduced and selected winners receive mentorship and funding towards their own solo exhibitions. City of Glasgow Collage are proud that our BA (Hons) photography graduates will be showing their work at Free Range and connecting with a London audience.

“Today everyone believes they take photographs – they can – but professional photographers MAKE photographs.

The work of the degree students exemplifies this. The images have been beautifully made utilising the finely tuned technical skills developed whilst at college but more importantly these photographs have something to say. These images express something of the individual concepts, thought pro-cesses, passions and obsessions of each photographer. They are the fruits of much hard work and energy.

Stuart BaillieThe exhibition invites the viewer to explore many different perspectives and interpretations of the subject matter. The work of these degree students document something of our time in general but also something about a particular time in their creators life.

Some of the images are beautiful, some evoke empathy, others intrigue and even challenge – but they all speak to the viewer.

I am delighted that this work will be showcased in July at the prestigious Free Range Exhibition in London.”

– Sandra Gunn, Faculty Director, Creative Industries 2018